Physical Education Classes are held Tuesdays and Thursdays for all grades.
Dress Code- All students must wear tennis/gym shoes for PE classes. Girls are asked to wear shorts under their skirts on PE days.
Grading - Students begin each day with 10 points. Points are deducted for not following directions, interrupting class, being off task and the like. Students who are not dressed for class will lose points for that day. Students need a note from parent or Doctor to excuse them from PE. If a student is excused or absent they will not receive the 10 points however their base or starting score will be 10 points lower per number of days they were excused.
Casts - No student with a cast will be permitted to participate in class activities. (Some times these children may be permitted to run laps if we are on the grass and they leave plenty of space between themselves and others). I am well aware that many Doctors allow children to play sports with their casts however I do not want the liability regarding the safety of other students participating.
Some of the above rules may be waived when we are participating indoors in an activity which does not involve much "movement" i.e., juggling, ping pong or the like.
If you have questions please feel free to send me a quick e-mail.